SIDMAR y Aanderaa Data Instruments el próximo martes en Ciencia compartida
22 Enero 2015
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El martes 27 de enero contamos con la visita del Dr. Anders Tenberg (Product Manager/Scientific Advisor de Aanderaa Data Instruments AS ) quien además de un recorrido por la historia de la instrumentación de Aanderaa Instruments dará 2 charlas extraordinarias en Ciencia compartida (de 12 a 14 horas):
Multi-parameter observations from coastal waters to the deepest trenches: challenges studying the carbón system with optode technology. This presentation will give examples on how multi-parameter platforms have been used in a variety of applications ranging from shallow coastal on-line observatories down to measuring in the deepest Ocean trenches. Focus will be on projects in which optode technology (primarily for CO2 and O2) has served to study different aspects of the carbon system including primary production/consumption, air-sea exchange, leakage detection from underwater storage of CO2 and measurements from moving platforms like gliders and ferries. The performance of recently developed pH optodes will also be discussed.
Coastal eutrophication studied in situ using multi-parameter platforms. With the Baltic and North Sea in focus this presentation will give examples on how coastal ecosystems have been studied in-situ using different types of multi-parameter platforms including: moored instruments, on-line observatories, bottom landers and ferry box systems. Coupling between biology-physical factors-oxygen-nutrients-pCO2/pH/DIC (Dissolved Inorganic Carbon) will be discussed and the latest measurement technology described.
Además y especialmente para los alumnos de la Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Jose María Cortés Crespo, antiguo alumno de la Facultad, hará una introducción/presentación de la empresa SIDMAR, Estudios y Servicios Oceanográficos (Alicante), desde el punto de vista de su experiencia, como una de las primeras empresas del sector creadas en España hace 20 años.