Seminario: Business intelligence or how to present information to Managers.

06 Marzo 2019

Tal y como recoge la página web de la Escuela de Ingeniería Informática, a partir del próximo viernes 8 de marzo, a las 10.30 horas, el profesor Igor Perko impartirá una serie de seminarios dirigidos especialmente al alumnado de Ingeniería Informática y al Doble Grado de ADE.

El contenido de los seminarios es el siguiente.

  1. The opening statement: The need for quality business information and a potential solution - a data warehouse

    1. The theoretical backgrounds
    2. Group exercise on business reporting
    3. The IT vs the business part
  2. Key performance indicators

    1. The theoretical backgrounds
    2. Work in pairs: design a KPI and presentations
  3. Dashboards and Balance scorecards

    1. The theoretical backgrounds
    2. Excel pivot tables and dashboard
    3. Group presentations
  4. Predictive analytics and AI in business

    1. The theoretical backgrounds
    2. a workshop: who would survive Titanic?
    3. A look forward

In the practical parts, we will work with:

  • Padlet
  • Advanced MS Excel 2019
  • Rapid Miner

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