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Taller: Cambridge Linguaskill y aplicaciones para aprender inglés

27 Marzo 2019

 Title: Cambridge Linguaskill and Apps to learn English (Katie Curbelo and Gerard Hally)

Synopsis: Do you need to urgently  certify your level of English  to finish  your degree or participate in the Erasmus programme? Linguaskill is a modular, multi-level online test  which offers fast results in 48 hours. In this workshop we will talk about this new Cambridge English test with examples of its content. We will also demonstrate the free digital resources offered by Cambridge English Assessment (accessible from the University of Las Palmas'  CRAAL platform) to help you improve your English

Date and time: Friday  15 March  2019 /13:00-14:30 

Place:  Facultad de Economía, Empresa y Turismo C2.4 Módulo C
