Última actualización: 12 de Marzo de 2019

Vocabulary (British Council)

Having a good vocabulary will help you to improve your language level and become a more confident speaker of English. Choose your level, beginner or intermediate, and start learning new words today to improve and practise your English vocabulary.
Decide which area of vocabulary you need help with today and choose a topic to work on. You can listen to the words in the first exercise to practise your pronunciation. When you do the online interactive exercises, you can see how well you've done.

1 votes with an average rating of 1.
107 votes with an average rating of 1.
2 votes with an average rating of 1.
Idioma del recurso: Inglés
Nivel para inglés: B2
Soporte: Digital en linea
Tipo de actividad: Opción múltiple,  Rellenar huecos
Habilidad: Léxico,  Fonética

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