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Última actualización: 24 de Marzo de 2019

Unravel: The Accessible Linguistics Magazine

Unravel is a free, half-yearly online magazine about languages and linguistics. In the section of Language Profiles you can go deeper into the wonderful world of languages with their in-depth look at specific tongues spoken around the world. A nice example is the article about how people communicate across wild mountains by whistling …. in La Gomera (Silbo Gomero: Echoes from their lips, by Fuad Johari on February 12, 2015, issue 2)

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2 votes with an average rating of 1.
Idioma del recurso: Inglés
Nivel para inglés: B1-B2
Tipo de recurso: Revistas / Periódicos
Soporte: Digital en linea
Tipo de actividad: Lectura de textos largos
Habilidad: Comprensión Lectora

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