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Última actualización: 10 de Marzo de 2019

Practise your English writing skills at your level (British Council)

Practise your English writing skills at your level. Writing different types of texts, like emails, text messages, essays and letters, is a very important skill for many learners of English, especially those who are learning English for their work or studies.
Choose your level, from beginner to advanced, and start learning today by reading model texts and doing the exercises. Whether you need to improve your English writing skills for work, for studying or to be able to communicate effectively with friends, you'll find practical writing lessons and activities to help you.

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181 votes with an average rating of 1.
5 votes with an average rating of 1.
Idioma del recurso: Inglés
Nivel para inglés: A2
Soporte: Digital en linea
Tipo de actividad: Ordenar oraciones,  Rellenar huecos
Habilidad: Expresión escrita

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