PAMEV project: "Paleontología de la Macaronesia - Espacio Virtual"
Deutsche Version | Versión en español
... Although there is much talk of the educational aspect of museums, their nature is to be a home of sciences. That’s to say, the place where those materials that have given rise to the creation of science are kept. Science is created by incorporation into the collective memory through publications. Therefore, all published materials are a museum piece in its own right. If it is neither published nor worthwhile to deserve a publication, i.e. It is put or not in the collective memory, it is no museum piece, it will be just a fair of monstrosities, an altar to the ancestors...
Joaquín Meco, 2018
What is PAMEV?
Palaeontology of Macaronesia - Espacio Virtual is a project of virtual musealisation of an important palaeontological collection of the archipelagos of Azores, Madeira, Canaries and Cape Verde in order to create a new space to disseminate ULPGC collections in the fields of zoology, botany, ecology, biodiversity, palaeontology, oceanography and global climatic changes, detected in the Canary Island and in other archipelagos in the subtropical North Atlantic. In addition, we will try to increase the collections with the contribution of materials obtained from researches made in these fields. It is a project carried out by Biblioteca Universitaria de la ULPGC (Academic Library), which is funded by the Miniterio de Economía y Competitividad (Economy and Competitivity Ministery).
The objective is to implement a virtual museum in order to provide access to both specialist researchers and general public. Our main aim is to include Macaronesian Paleontology in this virtual museum. Espacio Virtual contains 3D digital models of the specimens which belongs to an important, wide and diverse palaeontological collection. Then the 3D images of one of the zoological collections will be included as well as the information obtained from researches carried in the region of Macaronesia.
Palaeontological collection
This project will be focused on the transformation of digital objects with 3D modeling and illumination infographic of an important fossil collection treasured by the Palaeontology Laboratory of the ULPGC. This collection has been processed and catalogued, giving rise in the process to recent undergraduate and graduate articles and works. The laboratory has the following staff and collaborations:
- Joaquín Meco Cabrera, PhD Professor with more than 40 years of experience working with fossil testimonies (bibliography at Google Scholar | Acceda).
- Juan Francisco Betancort Lozano, PhD, collaborator and member of the ECOAQUA - Grupo de investigación en biodiversidad y conservación research group with Dr. Meco.
- Alejandro Lomoschitz Mora-Figueroa, professor, collaborator and member of the IOCAG - Geología aplicada y regional (GEOGAR) research group.
Zoological collection
Once this project is launched, we will work for the inclusion of other collections, starting with the collection of Dr. Luis Felipe López Jurado (bibliography at Google Scholar - Acceda), also from the BIOCON group, which has also a huge amount of materials and information in the field of terrestrial and marine zoology. This collection includes fossil materials that will be incorporated in the PAMEV project. It will have an open character, with free access, promoting interactivity and the participation of the university community.
Una vez puesta en marcha esta acción, el proyecto abordará la inclusión de otras colecciones, comenzando por la colección del Dr. Luis Felipe López Jurado (bibliografía en ). Continuará con la del grupo BIOCON, que cuenta con una ingente cantidad de materiales y datos en el campo de la zoología terrestre y marina, que incluye material fósil que se añadirá al proyecto PAMEV.
Tiene carácter abierto, con libre acceso, para fomentar la interacción y la participación de la comunidad universitaria.
Fernando Toscano Benítez, partnet professor in the area of cartographic, geodetic and photogrammetric engineering.
José Ángel Bueno García, head of the Photography Laboratory of the Department of Graphic Expression and Architectural Projects.
- The Biblioteca Universitaria presented this project to the Convocatoria 2014 de ayudas para la Promoción de Empleo Joven e Implantación de la Garantía Juvenil en I+D+I of the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) [Project number PEJ-2014-A-83608]. PAMEV was one of the 14 selected actions of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands and one of the 3 selected by the ULPGC, obtaining a score of 9 out of 10 points (see the MINECO evaluation report). The PAMEV project includes the creation of two positions of technical support personnel.
- On December 1, 2015, the PAMEV project began.
- López-Jurado, Luis F.; Hernández-Acosta, C. Nayra; Betancort-Lozano, Juan F.; López-Dos Santos, Néstor; Patiño-Martín, Clara. LAldea’84. Graphic and methodological description of the first excavation of a fossil terrestrial vertebrate site in the Canary Islands. Occasional Publications of the Paleontological Association of the Canary Islands. Publicaciones Ocasionales de la Asociación Paleontológica de Canarias, 2016. Nº 1, 22 pp. [Not published]
- 20-22 July 2016: Prensentation at the V Simposio Internacional de Ciencias del Mar (V International Symposium of Marine Science) (Universidad de Alicante) of the posters:
- Hernández Acosta, C. Nayra, Bolaños Naranjo, Rubén, Betancort Lozano, Juan F., López Jurado, Luis F., Tames Espinosa, Mayte. Proyecto “PAMEV” Paleontología de la Macaronesia. Espacio Virtual.
- Hernández Acosta, C. Nayra, Betancort Lozano, Juan F., Tames Espinosa, Mayte. LALDEA’ 84. Descripción gráfica y metodológica de la primera excavación de un yacimiento de vertebrados terrestres fósiles en las Islas Canarias.
- 12-14 September 2016: Presentation at the IX Congreso Geológico de España (X Geological Congress of Spain) (Huelva) of the poster:
- Hernández Acosta, C. Nayra, Betancort Lozano, Juan F., López Dos-Santos, Néstor, Patiño Martínez, Clara, Lomoschitz Mora-Figueroa, Alejandro, López Jurado, Luis F. Vertebrados fósiles terrestres extintos de las Islas Canarias (Vertebrate extinct terrestrial fossils of the Canary Islands).
- 30th September and 1st October 2016: Conference at the IX Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Cetáceos (IX Annual Congress of the Spanish Cetacean Society) (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) of the poster:
- Hernández Acosta, C. Nayra, Bolaños Naranjo, Rubén, Betancort Lozano, Juan F. Proyecto PAMEV y su implicación con los restos fósiles de cetáceos (Project PAMEV and its involvement with fossil remains of cetaceans).
- 13-16 March 2017: Presentation at the International Symposium on eolian Dynamics, Paleosols and environmental Change in Drylands (Fuerteventura) of the poster:
- Betancort, Juan F.; Lomoschitz Mora-Figueroa, Alejandro; Hernández-Acosta, Nayra; López, O.; Gallardo, A. & López Jurado, L.F. Maylpaisomis insularis (Hutterer, López-Martínez & Michaux 1988) and Haliaeetus sp. Comments on the terrestrial fauna of the Pleistocene of the Isthmus of Jandía, Fuerteventura.
- 19-22 de abril de 2017: Presentación en el XV Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores en Paleontología (Portugal) del póster:
- Hernández Acosta, C. Nayra, Bisbal-Chinesta, Josep F., Betancort Lozano, Juan F. Los lagartos gigantes del género Gallotia (Lacertidae) en el periodo Cuaternario de las Islas Canarias.
- 24-28 de abril de 2017: Presentación en el MaPSIS 2017 Maritime Spatial Planning, Ecosystem Approach & Supporting Information Systems (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) del póster:
- Betancort Lozano, Juan F.; Hernández Acosta, C. Nayra; Bolaños Naranjo, Rubén. “Project PAMEV” The creation of a Virtual Museum.
- Informe de seguimiento final para las Ayudas para la promoción de empleo joven e implantación de la garantía juvenil en I+D+I
PAMEV en la prensa
- Un eslabón ecológico bajo tierra (Canarias7, 17 de enero de 2016) Versión en línea | Versión impresa digitalizada [ULPGC]
- Animales que desaparecieron de Canarias (La Provincia y La Opinión de Tenerife, 7 de febrero de 2016) Versión en línea | Versión impresa digitalizada [Acceso ULPGC]: Noticia en portada en La Provincia | Páginas 20-21 en La Provincia | Páginas 44-45 en La Opinión
Photos of PAMEV
Reunión inicial del proyecto (Initial meeting of the project)
Visita de Carolina Castillo Ruiz (ULL) (Visit of Carolina Castillo Ruiz (ULL)
Visita a un yacimiento paleontológico (Visit to a palaeontological site)
PAMEV in el blog Electra
Electra is the blog focused on the digital resources of the University Library, coordinated by the section on Automation and digital repositories. For this reason you will find in it the news and work of the PAMEV project.
Avelina Fernández Manrique de Lara
Technical support staff
Nayra Hernández Acosta, graduated in Marine Sciences from the ULPGC. |
Rubén Bolaños Naranjo, graduated in Computer Engineering from the ULPGC. |