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Última actualización: 06 de Septiembre de 2018

Listening extra : a resource book of multi-level skills activities

This book provides original and stimulating listening practice across a range of levels and topics. The activities are designed around authentic scenarios and help students develop specific listening skills, such as listening for details, identifying emotions or listening for opinions. The book is suitable for A2-B2 level students. Its Audio CDs include recordings for all listening tasks from the book. The recordings expose students to a variety of native and non-native accents and cover a range of genres from radio and television to academic lectures, presentations and conversational dialogues.

1 votes with an average rating of 1.
83 votes with an average rating of 1.
3 votes with an average rating of 1.
Idioma del recurso: Inglés
Nivel para inglés: B1
Soporte: Material impreso
Habilidad: Comprensión auditiva

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